Course Content
3 - Match it up
QC rules alert laboratorians to a change in the analytical system (measurement procedure). In this activity, participants match charts to the correct QC rule violation and identify the type of error.
Key Message
- Results of QC samples are analyzed to assess and alert us to changes in accuracy and precision (method performance).
- The nomenclature for rule violations includes the number of data points involved and the applied control limits usually expressed as the mean ± a multiple of the SD.
- Different rules indicate if the change is random or systematic. This information is used to assist with troubleshooting an out-of-control run.
Self Assessment
Can you:
- Analyze L-J charts and Gaussian distributions and identify the rule violation?
- Determine if the rule indicates a systematic or random error?
- Understand how SE and RE assists with troubleshooting?
- Handout 1_Bell Curve with Distributions (304).pptx
- Handout 2_L-J Chart with Distributions (305).pptx
- Handout_Our QC Journey (3 - Match it up) NEW.docx
- Tool 1_Rule Violations 3.3 New.pptx
- Worksheet _Rule Violation Answer Sheet (306) NEW.docx